The Pet Photographers Club Podcast | Building a mobile pet photography studio

I had the pleasure of being on The Pet Photographers Club Podcast to chat about my mobile studio.

You can listen our chat below.


Building a mobile pet photography studio

Have you considered leasing or purchasing a commercial space to open a studio but always find the cost prohibitive, or the location is just never right? Beth Alexander found the same problem and so she decided to come up with a creative solution- a mobile studio which she had built from the ground up for a fraction of the price of a storefront!

Tune in to todays episode to learn all about it including a break down of the costs, the important considerations to make in terms of sizes and requirements plus what Beth’s client experience looks like!
Have you considered leasing or purchasing a commercial space to open a studio but always find the cost prohibitive, or the location is just never right? Beth Alexander found the same problem and so she decided to come up with a creative solution- a mobile studio which she had built from the ground up for a fraction of the price of a storefront!

Key discussion points:

  • break down of the costs

  • The important considerations to make in terms of sizes and requirements

  • What Beth’s client experience looks like!