Dog Photography - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Meet Timber the 4 year old Yellow Labrador, Tailor the 2 year old Rough/Border Collie, Tessa the 2 year old Beagle/Shepherd mix, Dober the 7 year old Doberman, and Border the 2 year old Rough/Border Collie

Check out how the pack did on their session here:

“ When my 14 year old Yellow Labrador named Basil passed away in 2015, I knew that our family would not be the same without the goofy loyalty of another Yellow Lab.

Timber joined our family as a puppy and was the much needed distraction we needed after losing Basil. Timber made us laugh from day 1 and still does every day. He has no concept of his size and will sit on your lap if you allow him. He is at his happiest when we are all together with him.

Timber will instantly hide if you take the ear cleaner or nail trimmer out. It is the most effective way to get him off the bed or couch.

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I grew up as a child with a Rough Collie and always wanted one again. Tailor is the perfect little brother to Timber. He is very sweet, gentle, shy and is a bit of a scaredy cat. If Tailor could plan his day out, it would include running at top speed through the fields and forest, followed by a car ride with his head sticking out of the window. Tailor has slept under the bed every night since he was a puppy, like his wild cousins in a den.

Tailor is the first to fess up when asked "Who did this?", whether he is guilty or not. He will submissively flip to his back and try to hide his face. Guilty or not, you can't help but melt when he does this.

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I never imagined having more than two dogs...until I found Tessa. I found Tessa running around my work in February 2018. She seemed really lost and scared. I went outside and picked her up and brought her into the office to warm up where she instantly curled up and fell asleep. I was going to bring her to the SPCA but she seemed so timid that I was worried she might be scared, so I thought I'd keep her overnight until I could find her owners. I made a missing dog poster that was shared all over social media and I called every possible number to try and reconnect her with her owners. I had my suspicion that she may be pregnant but the vet confirmed she was not. But as the weeks passed, it was evident that she was pregnant and sure enough she was! Tessa was never claimed and gave birth to 8 Beagle-Shepherd puppies in the spring which we named after their ribbon colours. I found 8 great homes for each of the puppies and am still in contact with all of their parents who still send me updates. We cannot imagine our family without Tessa. She is our spoiled little princess (the only girl dog) that enjoys sleeping on her back with all four paws in the air.

Tessa, is the best cuddler you could hope for, almost like a stuffed toy animal. Our boys try to be the first to bring her to bed every night before anyone else does.

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Dober the Doberman and Border the Rough/Border Collie (Tailor's brother) joined the family recently when their Dad moved in. Dober is the most serious one in the group. He likes to keep all of the gang in line and he is obsessed with fetch, but don't let his serious face fool you. He is the biggest baby in the pack. Dober shows all of his emotions in his face.

Dober is very obedient. He just loves to roll into a tiny ball on the couch or bed and show you that he barely takes any space.

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Border's perfect day would have to be outside where he could play all day, followed by some time gazing at our rabbits, his favourite indoor pastime. Border, like Timber has the biggest heart and does not know his size when it comes to sitting on his family. He is obedient, happy, curious and kind.

Border is an expert at the head tilt when it comes to hearing a funny sound. He makes us laugh when he watches TV and keeps tilting his head from side to side.” - Lissa

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When asked why she decided to get professional pet photography done Lissa replied:

I noticed Beth's photography skills instantly when the SPCA started posting quality photos of their animals. I thought it was genius that someone was taking their time to capture the animal's personalities and I am confident that the animals get adopted quicker thanks to these photos.

I have always wanted professional photos of our dogs. When Beth posted looking for dog owners to have their dogs photographed in the winter, I instantly filled out an application.

I was so excited when the session was booked and I just hoped the dogs would be on their best behaviour for her!