Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog - Pet Photography

Meet Lola the 8 Month Old Pembroke Welsh Corgi

“After much research, my partner Carlos and I decided that a Pembroke Welsh Corgi would be the perfect addition to our tiny family.

We contacted a breeder outside of Montreal that met all of our requirements (including not docking the tails). When we heard that we would be getting a puppy that was born on November 21st, we knew that it was meant to be as November 21st is both mine and Carlos’ mom’s birthday too.

Our little Lola came home in February, and since then she's added so much to our lives. We needed her more than we knew!

Mornings with Lola are our favourite times. She is so cuddly right when we wake up, and she has the silliest yawns. It's the highlight of our day. She's made our mornings better!” - Janessa

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If you were going to interview your pet what question would you ask?

“Where did you get that sock?!”😂

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Was there something you were worried about that your pet would do or not do before your photography session?

“Lola is full of puppy energy, so we were worried she wouldn't want to sit and pose for the camera. She did surprisingly well though with the help of treats and squeakers! She also loves to roll and dig, but luckily she didn't during the shoot.”

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Why did you decide on professional Pet Photography?

“We entered and won Dayna's Pet Sitting contest, which included a photography session with Beth. We are very happy that we won and could have this experience!”

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Check out how Lola did on her session here:

Pretty miss Lola was also featured on the Daily Dog Tag, Check it out by clicking here: