Boston Terrier Dog Photography

Meet Phoebe the 7 Month Old Boston Terrier

“We already had our first Boston Terrier, Jax. We loved the breed and having Jax brought so much happiness into our lives, we knew we wanted to add another one into our family. We were always on the lookout for puppies, so when we saw our sweet Phoebe, we knew we had to have her.

Her name came from the character “Phoebe”, on the TV Show “Friends”. It fits her perfectly!

She loves giving kisses. She’s crazy and we call her our parkour gazelle dog. She is so loving and has the funniest personality!” - Sonya

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Why did you decide on professional Pet Photography?

“To preserve precious puppy moments!”

If you were going to interview your pet, what question would you ask?

“I would ask if she is happy and if she loves us.”🥰 - Sonya

Was there something you were worried about that your pet would do or not do before your photography session?

“She can’t really sit still and wants to give all the kisses to whoever is taking her picture!”😆- Sonya

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Check out how Phoebe did on her session here:

See Phoebe’s story featured on the Daily Dog Tag blog by clicking here.

Signs of Heatstroke in Cats and Dogs

Signs of Heatstroke in Cats and Dogs

Dogs and cats are especially vulnerable to heat stroke because their furry bodies cannot sweat to dissipate heat. Instead, they pant or breathe rapidly to cool themselves. When they are unable to effectively cool themselves, their core temperature rises rapidly. This can lead to serious and sometimes fatal complications including seizures, organ failure and clotting problems.

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Spring Safety Tips for your Pet

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