Boston Terrier Dog Photography

Meet Phoebe the 7 Month Old Boston Terrier

“We already had our first Boston Terrier, Jax. We loved the breed and having Jax brought so much happiness into our lives, we knew we wanted to add another one into our family. We were always on the lookout for puppies, so when we saw our sweet Phoebe, we knew we had to have her.

Her name came from the character “Phoebe”, on the TV Show “Friends”. It fits her perfectly!

She loves giving kisses. She’s crazy and we call her our parkour gazelle dog. She is so loving and has the funniest personality!” - Sonya

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Why did you decide on professional Pet Photography?

“To preserve precious puppy moments!”

If you were going to interview your pet, what question would you ask?

“I would ask if she is happy and if she loves us.”🥰 - Sonya

Was there something you were worried about that your pet would do or not do before your photography session?

“She can’t really sit still and wants to give all the kisses to whoever is taking her picture!”😆- Sonya

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Check out how Phoebe did on her session here:

See Phoebe’s story featured on the Daily Dog Tag blog by clicking here.

Family Pets- Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Family Pets- Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Was there something you were worried about that your pet would do or not do before your photography session?

“Noodle is deaf. She had chronic ear infections and had to have very invasive ear surgery which left her without any hearing. She also has limited vision due to senile cataracts. I was worried she'd have trouble looking at the camera, but she was very cooperative!” - Mandy

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Tips on How to include Pets in your Wedding!

Tips on How to include Pets in your Wedding!

Do you consider your Pet to be an important part of your family?  Then why not include them in your Wedding celebrations?  More and more couples are choosing to include their pets in their wedding ceremonies and wedding vendors are being pushed to accommodate.

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Kittens - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Kittens - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Abigail says the way they jump on her to get attention or how they try and play with her when she's playing with her toys. Also when shes sleeping at night and they cuddle up to her and when she's gone to school and gets home as soon as they hear her voice they come running.

Chirpa,Eevee,Nacho and Paploo are just so kind and gentle and all around the best cats out there and always around to cheer you up!

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Australian Shepherds - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Australian Shepherds - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Nova and Mavrick are special to us as they bring us so much love and laughter.  They are similar as they both want to please and love us unconditionally, yet they have their own individual personalities.  Nova is the family dog that comes once in a lifetime.  He loves children, he also loves to play and he loves to have jobs!  On the farm he took it upon himself to tell off the horses that would paw at the gate.  Oh and don’t forget to put your socks away or you can guarantee he will carry them around as a prize possession.  Mavrick is a moma’s boy and never leaves her sight when permitted.  He also loves to show his affection by licking you if he gets a chance.  Unlike Nova, Mavrick watches TV especially if he sees or hears animals.  We wouldn’t imagine a life without them.  Thanks Beth for capturing these beautiful pictures of our beloved pets.  Valerie and Charles Marier 

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Australian Shepherd - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

Australian Shepherd - Beth Alexander is a Pet Photographer that services Ottawa to Cornwall and everything in between!

You will often hear people say “it’s just a dog”, but we can truly say that Oakley is so much more than just a dog. He’s a family member and our best friend. He is so special and unique. Oakley makes us laugh just by being himself, with actual smiles that brighten our days. He has brought so much joy and fun into our home and we are so thankful to Beth for capturing these moments perfectly.

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