Adventure Dogs Fundraising Project

Adventure Dogs Fundraising Project

During the summer of 2022, I finally decided to be brave and try out my waterproof camera housing from Outex which had been sitting in my bookshelf collecting dust for 2 years! It was the scariest thing I had ever done! LOL🙀

Since i had so much fun playing in the water with my new toy i decided I wanted to do a summer special but was worried it might be too late in the season, then I saw the email from The FAM Network asking for help for some veterinarian bills so I took it as a sign and decided to go for it.

So the first adventure dog 🐾💦 Fundraising project was born!

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Guinea Pigs In Bows & Bandanas Fundraising Project

Guinea Pigs In Bows & Bandanas Fundraising Project


“Guinea Pigs in Bows & Bandanas” was a fundraising photographic art book project for Guinea Pig Rescue Ottawa. It has been created by Unleash Pet Photography for families like yours with Guinea Pigs as their pets.

This project is a great opportunity to have beautiful, fun portraits that celebrates the special bond you have with your guinea pig(s). 🥰

The 2022 Guinea Pigs In Bows & Bandanas Photo Contest features Guinea Pigs that were recently photographed by Unleash Pet Photography as part of a fundraising initiative for Guinea Pig Rescue Ottawa (GPRO)

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